Practitioners Portal
Welcome to the MyPPRA Portal, a web-based free and secure online platform designed for use by estate agents to perform a number of interactions with the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority . Please refer to the downloadable documents at the bottom of this page for guidelines on how to transact via the MyPPRA Practitioners Portal.
Existing Property Practitioners - click here to login
New Property Practitioners - click here to register for your Fidelity Fund Certificate
Dear Stakeholder,
Please be advised that the Property Practiioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) is currently resolving all outstanding Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC) - related queries.
To aid the expeditious issuing of FFC's, kindly ensure that you have met the requirements and submitted all necessary documents for an FFC to be issued and, more importantly kindly send all FFC related queries to specifically.
All stakeholders are advised that effective immediately, the following documents that are submitted by property practitioners and applicants for education-related updates and applications must be certified
We would like to advise that a new procedure regarding the payment of arrear amounts owing to the PPRA by property practitioners, has been implemented. Property Practitioners who owe the PPRA arrear penalties, fees and other amounts, and who qualify for the payment plan, may be assisted to complete such plan and commence payment in terms thereof....
1. Please note that the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (‘’PPRA’’) will commence with the registration of all Managing Agents as from 29th of February 2024.
We have anticipated the registration of managing agents, a significant milestone in our journey and happy to share with you, our valued stakeholders that we have successfully started the registration of managing agents today.
The PPRA is aware that seat number confirmation letters to exam candidates contain the Online Venue of Sandton, PPRA Offices, which is our standard practice. However, to provide clarity, the PPRA wishes to inform all exam candidates who have received such letters that exam venues are created by the PPRA when the exam is opened for enrolment /...
It is a pleasure to inform all the examination candidates for the Professional Designation Examination (PDE) written on 26 August 2022 that the results will be released today. Candidates are requested to check their inboxes, including Spam or Junk emails. Property Practitioners are requested to be patient as the PPRA will be updating examination...
This serves to inform all real-estate property practitioners (estate agents) aged 60 years and above that effective immediately this type of exemption is no longer available and no applications will be accepted in relation thereto. Therefore, all categories of affected property practitioners (estate agents) who have not qualified or...
Due to unexpected technical and system challenges, the PPRA has been compelled to postpone the online Professional Designation Examination (PDE) scheduled for 18 August 2022. We profusely regret the inconvenience that will be caused. We wish you all the best in the upcoming examinations.
The renewal period for applicants wishing to renew their 2023 FFC opened on the 1st of July 2022. However, due to the constant load shedding and IT issues relating to SAP enhancement which is currently underway the PPRA is experiencing delays in processing renewal applications and issuing FFC’s for 2023. Applicants who have submitted...
The PPRA would like to inform all eligible property practitioners that the CPD 2022 material will be uploaded in the coming weeks thereby making the CPD programme available from 1 August 2022. The PPRA would like to inform all eligible property practitioners that the CPD 2022 material will be uploaded in the coming weeks thereby making the CPD...