It is essential that registered estate agents acquaint themselves with the content of the under-mentioned practice notes from time to time.The practice notes are invaluable to estate agents as they specify processe to ensure compliance with mandatory education and training requirements. Estate agents should furthemore ensure that they are using the latest available pratctice notes as chages are frequently made to acommodate the requirements of an evolving educational environment.
In 2021, the Board of the PPRA issued Practice Note ETD01/2020 giving property practitioners (intern estate agents and principals) who had failed to comply with Education Regulations of 2008 until 30 June 2022 to comply with the said Regulations. In terms of Practice Note ETD01/2020, the property practitioners concerned would have...
PRACTICE NOTE EDT02/2016 - COMMUNICATION REGARDING INTERN LOGBOOK REQUIREMENTS The programme has, furthermore, been designed to ensure that intern estate agents not only acquire meaningful practical estate agency experience during the twelve-month internship period but that they are also exposed to an applied and relevant practical learning experience that will enhance, and add value and understanding, to their theoretical estate agency studies. The underlying objective of the programme is to ensure that intern estate agents are provided with the required structured learning environment that will assist them to acquire the necessary practical workplace experience that they need if they are competently to perform the functions of a professional estate agents and that, just as importantly, they are not, during the course of the internship period, relegated to the peripheries of estate agency practice. The maintenance of a mandatory workplace learning programme logbook and workplace portfolio of evidence (PoE) constitutes an integral component of the entire programme. The EAAB has, to this end, compiled a draft logbook for use by both intern estate agents and their principals (or mentors). The Mentor In terms of the Education Regulations, only persons who have held three consecutive FFCs and still holding the current FFC may be appointed and serve as mentors for intern estate agents. This means only full status estate agents at principal and non-principal status are allowed to play the role of the mentor. Such person’s details should reflect in the letter of appointment and accompany the intern registration forms, at the time that the intern is registering for the first time to be issued with the Intern Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC). The details of the mentor will be captured into the EAAB system against the Intern profile and EAAB will further communicate pertinent information to the mentor accordingly. Mentor details must also be completed in the intern Logbook and portfolio of evidence. The Mentor will be responsible to monitor intern performance and learning throughput the prescribed 12 month internship period and sign-off the intern Logbook and evidence accordingly. Should an intern change employment prior to the lapse of the 12 months internship period, a new mentor must be appointed by the new principal and mentor details confirmed accordingly. Should the principal play the role of a mentor, such details must reflect in the appointment letter. Completing the Logbook The intern estate agent is expected, during the course of the twelve month internship period, to complete and maintain a logbook in which accomplished activities are not only fully recorded but, also, signed-off by the principal/mentor/coach/supervisor (“the principal”) assigned to assist and provide the intern estate agent with logistical support during the internship period. It is anticipated that this requirement will ensure that the intern estate agent is provided with a personal record of all practical tasks completed and experience gained at the workplace. A further advantage of the implementation of the programme is that, should the intern estate agent at any time wish to be assessed towards the acquisition of any real estate vocational qualification(s) and desire to use some, or all, of the evidence generated and recorded in the logbook for this purpose, that intern estate agent will be able to duplicate the logbook for submission to any assessor undertaking an assessment against the relevant the qualification. The logbook, in addition, serves as an important educational tracking device. As the intern estate agent completes the required workplace experience this achievement should be signed off in the logbook by both the intern estate agent as well as the principal. Completing the Portfolio of Evidence (“PoE”) The portfolio of evidence will generally be a separate file, carefully created and maintained by the intern estate agent, which should, ideally, align with the prescribed logbook activities. All naturally occurring workplace evidence generated over the twelve month internship period, and reflecting the workplace learning experience of the intern estate agent, should be inserted into the PoE. At the conclusion of the 12 months internship period, the completed PoE must be submitted, together with the logbook, by the intern estate agent to the EAAB. The PoE, and duly completed logbook, will jointly constitute acceptable evidence that the relevant workplace learning phase has been successfully completed by the intern estate agent. Only once the PoE and logbook have been considered and accepted by the EAAB as compliant can an intern’s profile be amended accordingly as compliant with Logbook requirements. Non-compliant submissions will also be responded to in the form of an email to be advised of gaps and additional submission requirements prior to their profile updated as compliant. How to submit the Logbook and PoE Both these two documents can be submitted to EAAB in the following ways:
Assessment of the Submission for compliance The PoE and Intern Logbook is assessed by the EAAB within 30 days of receipt. The assessment outcome is communicated by way of an official letter confirming compliance or non-compliance. If not compliant, gaps and additional submission required will be specified. If compliant, the profile of an intern estate agent to that effect will be updated to reflect compliance with Logbook and PoE requirements. Requirements for qualifications, PDE4 and status upgrade All interns are required to complete the prescribed qualification for non-principal estate agents, i.e. FETC Real Estate (NQF 4) within the first 12 months of the first issue of their Intern Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC). Upon completion of the prescribed qualification, interns are required to send a copy of such certification to the EAAB, and via email to Once received, the profile will be updated to reflect the qualification. The intern once has complied with both Intern Logbook and qualification requirements will be unblocked and allowed to enrol for and undertake the Professional Designation Examination for non-principal estate agents (PDE4). Upon passing PDE 4, the intern’s status will be automatically upgraded and the intern will be issued with an amended FFC, which will reflect the new full status as well as the designation, Professional Practitioner in Real Estate (PPRE). Compulsory status upgrade requirement It is important to note that all interns are required to upgrade from intern estate agent to full status within 24 months period. No intern is allowed to remain an intern past this period. Therefore it is important to ensure that the Intern Logbook and the prescribed qualification is complied with within the first 12 months of the internship period and focus on PDE 4 thereafter, in order to upgrade to full status by end of the 24th month. No intern estate agent will be allowed to renew their FFC beyond the 24th month. Disqualification of the intern will be effected at month 24, to ensure the intern is compliant before allowed to re-register as estate agents. Effective date This Practice Note shall be effective immediately.
PRACTICE NOTE EDT01/2016 (A replacement notice to EDT02/2013) - To Be Read With EDT02/2016): CLARITY NOTICE ON EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ESTATE AGENTS 1. Definitions ‘Education Regulations’ means The Standard of Training of Estate Agents Regulations, 2008, contained in Government Notice R.633 published in Government Gazette No. 31125 on 4 June 2008. ‘EAAB’ means the Estate Agency Affairs Board. ‘NQF Level 4’ means the Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate (SAQA QUAL ID 59097) required to be completed by non-principal estate agents, or any other relevant qualification deemed to be equivalent to the Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate in accordance with the Exemptions Matrix approved by the EAAB. ‘NQF Level 5’ means the National Certificate: Real Estate (SAQA QUAL ID 20188) required to be completed by principal estate agents, or any other relevant qualification deemed to be equivalent to the National Certificate: Real Estate in accordance with the Exemptions Matrix approved by the EAAB. ‘Professional Designation Examination’ or ‘PDE’ means the Professional Designation Examination conducted by the EAAB in accordance with the provisions of regulation 7(3) of the Education Regulations. ‘PDE 4’ means the Professional Designation Examination for non-principal estate agents. ‘PDE 5’ means the Professional Designation Examination for principal estate agents. 2. New entrants / Intern Estate Agents Pursuant to the provisions of regulation 2(1), as read with regulation 2(4)(b), of the Education Regulations, any person wishing to register as an estate agent for the first time must: · serve as an intern estate agent; · acting under the active supervision and control of a principal estate agent or of a full status estate agent who has continuously held a valid fidelity fund certificate issued by the EAAB for a period of not less than three years; · for a continuous period of twelve months as from the date of the first issue to such person of an ‘intern’ fidelity fund certificate. All new entrants to the estate agency profession, therefore, notwithstanding the nature of any academic and/or professional qualifications which such new entrants may hold, are obliged to serve as intern estate agents for a continuous period of twelve months and are also subject to the various constraints and limitations more fully provided for in regulations 2(4) and (5) of the Education Regulations. 3. The issue of ‘intern’ fidelity fund certificates by the EAAB Before a valid ‘intern’ fidelity fund certificate may be issued to any prospective intern estate agent by the EAAB that person is required to: · lodge a completed application, in the prescribed form; and · pay the prescribed levy. The application form must, in addition, be accompanied by a letter, addressed on the letterhead of the relevant estate agency enterprise and dated and signed by the principal estate agent, confirming that the estate agency enterprise concerned intends taking that person into service as an intern estate agent. The principal estate agent must, moreover, undertake either himself/herself or by appointing a suitably qualified estate agent having at least three years’ experience as an estate agent to do so, to mentor the intern estate agent in all aspects of the practical estate agency services rendered by the enterprise. This means therefore that mentor details must also reflect on the Intern estate agent letter of appointment submitted to the EAAB for registration and issuance of the first FFC. 4. Education (Qualifications) requirements for estate agents Pursuant to the provisions of regulation 4(1) of the Education Regulations, no person may perform the functions and activities of: · a non-principal estate agent, unless that person has completed the Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate at NQF Level 4 (SAQA QUAL ID 59097); or · a principal estate agent, unless that person has completed the National Certificate: Real Estate at NQF Level 5 (SAQA QUAL ID 20188). 5. Intern and Non-Principal Estate Agents 5.1. Intern Estate Agents Intern estate agents are expected to complete the NQF Level 4 during the course of the twelve month internship period. Should an intern estate agent fail to complete the NQF Level 4 during the initial internship period that person shall remain an intern estate agent until such time as that person has duly attained the NQF Level 4 with the proviso, however, that the extended internship period shall not exceed a further period of twelve months. Intern estate agents who have been certificated against the NQF Level 4 and completed the twelve-month internship period and have submitted the signed-off intern logbook and evidence (PoE) will be entitled to a status upgrade from intern estate agent to full-status non-principal estate agent provided, however, that they have also passed PDE 4 and have furnished the EAAB with: · acceptable proof that they have been duly certificated against the NQF Level 4; and · a letter, on the letterhead of the relevant estate agency enterprise and dated and signed by the principal estate agent and/or mentor concerned, confirming that to the best of their knowledge and belief that intern estate agent has successfully and satisfactorily completed the twelve month internship period. [The necessity for the provision of such a letter by intern estate agents will be superseded by the lodging with the EAAB of the prescribed log-book duly signed by the intern estate agent as well as the principal and/or mentor once such log-book has been approved and issued by the EAAB.] Upon upgrade into full status agent, the new amended FFC reflecting the new status and professional designation Professional Practitioner in Real Estate or “PPRE” will be issued. 5.2. Full Status Non-Principal Estate Agents Persons already registered as full-status non-principal estate agents are granted a period of two years, calculated as from the date when such persons were certificated against the NQF Level 4, to pass the PDE 4 to acquire professional status as non-principal estate agents with the proviso, however, that any persons wishing to undertake the PDE 4 must hold a valid full status non-principal fidelity fund certificate issued by the EAAB. Non-principal estate agents who have passed the PDE 4 may use the professional designation Professional Practitioner in Real Estate or “PPRE” for so long as such persons hold a valid fidelity fund certificate issued by the EAAB. All full status non-principal estate agents wishing to register their own companies and themselves as principal estate agents must be certificated against both the NQF Level 4, PDE 4 and the NQF Level 5 before a principal’s fidelity fund certificate, authorising them to conduct activities as a principal estate agent, can be issued to them by the EAAB. Non-principal estate agents who have been met the above requirements and wishing to register their own companies and themselves as principals are entitled to a status upgrade from non-principal estate agent to full-status principal estate agent provided, however, that they furnish the EAAB with acceptable proof of the fact that they have been certificated against the NQF Level 5 and PDE 4 when they lodge their application to be issued with principal and firm FFC. Upon the issue of a new principal estate agent FFC, this new principal is granted a period of two years, calculated as from the FFC issue date to write and pass PDE 5 to acquire professional status as principal estate agents and the relevant professional designation Master Practitioner in Real Estate or “MPRE”. 6. Effective date This Practice Note shall be effective immediately.
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