Consumer Information

January 26, 2023
Communication to all affected exam candidates who could not write the exam on the 17th and 30th November 2022 and wish to write on 09 February 2023.

Consumers warned to be vigilant in conducting property transactions
January 17, 2018
The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) urges consumers to be vigilant when doing property transactions and to always check if the estate agent they are dealing with has a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate that is issued by the Board.

July 18, 2016
LAUNCH OF CONSUMER PROTECTION INITIATIVE PRIVYSEAL Following the EAAB's successful pilot of the PrivySeal Consumer Protection Initiative in June 2016, the EAAB requires all registered estate agents to sign up for their Privyseal at

How does home inspection fit into the picture of property sales?
November 20, 2011
Property transfers in South Africa can be very slow. Many sales are delayed as a result of deals being finalised without proper investigation into the financial soundness of home buyers and home sellers, or into the soundness of the property itself.

Consumer help
November 20, 2011
Guidelines for buying and selling property through an estate agent, how to protect your interests when doing so, and what you can do if things go wrong.

The Home Inspection Industry Elsewhere
November 20, 2011
In the United States and in Britain properties being sold need to pass inspection by an independent, accredited expert before the prospective buyer can obtain a home loan.

The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)
November 20, 2011
The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) requires that all new houses be inspected during the building process to ensure that they comply with the relevant Act.

Consumer Protection Act will affect rights of property buyers and sellers
November 20, 2011
The Consumer Protection Act (CPA), which came into full effect on 01 April 2011, spells out some material changes that apply when the seller is acting in the ordinary course of business and the purchaser is either a body with a turnover and asset value of under R3 million or an individual.

Buying property: Cooling off period
November 20, 2011
The Consumer Protection Act has some serious implications for agents selling property - for one, a disgruntled purchaser can get out of a sale agreement within 5 days of signing it.

Home Inspection in South Africa - Do not buy until you have an inspection!
November 20, 2011

Consumer Protection Act (CPA) Pocket Guide
November 20, 2011
Consumer Protection Act (CPA) I know my rights, Do you know yours?

The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC)
November 16, 2011
The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) requires that all new houses be inspected during the building process to ensure that they comply with the relevant Act. There is currently no legal requirement for an inspection of second-hand houses before a sale takes place.

Buying and Selling a Home Guide
November 16, 2011
Buying a home is probably the largest investment decision most consumers will ever make, yet they often take less time when doing so than they would when, say, buying a new car.

Home buyers buying a property off-plan get more rights
November 15, 2011
Prospective homeowners who wish to buy a property off-plan have with the introduction of the Consumer Protection Act an improved protection of South African consumer rights.

How does home inspection fit into the picture of property sales?
November 15, 2011
Property transfers in South Africa can be very slow. Many sales are delayed as a result of deals being finalised without proper investigation into the financial soundness of home buyers and home sellers, or into the soundness of the property itself.

Consumer help
November 4, 2011
Guidelines for buying and selling property through an estate agent, how to protect your interests when doing so, and what you can do if things go wrong.

Making Property Regulation Accessible to All
June 20, 2011
Any person intending to practise as an Estate Agent in the course of that financial must apply to the Board to be issued with a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate for the rest of that financial year.

The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) due to take effect in October 2010
June 20, 2011
The Consumer Protection Act (CPA), due to take effect on 25 October this year, will mainly force agents to ensure property sellers and buyers understand the wording and legal effect of all contracts they enter into.

South African Consumer Confidence near best since 2007 as Recession ends
June 20, 2011
South African consumer confidence was little changed in the third quarter, close to the highest since the last three months of 2007, as Africa's biggest economy pulls itself out of recession.

NGO's that serve consumers' interests will be supported
June 20, 2011
Speaking at the Department of Trade and Industry's Consumer Rights Day conference in March, the Deputy Minister Ms Maria Ntuli reminded delegates that the new law demands that government must support civil society to build up a strong consumer voice.

Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008
June 20, 2011
The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, ("the CPA"), was signed on 24 April 2009 and has since been promulugated in the Government Gazette.

The Consumer Protection Act
June 20, 2011
You have rights as a consumer. Understand them. Enforce them.

Important tools for buying or selling a home
June 10, 2011
Buying a home is probably the largest investment decision most consumers will ever make, yet they often take less time when doing so than they would when, say, buying a new car. That is because buying immovable property is unfamiliar territory to most people who, as a result, really do not know what questions to ask. Working with an estate agent...

Disciplinary Process: Lodging of a Complaint against an Estate Agent
June 9, 2011
Lodging of a Complaint against an Estate Agent must be by way of completion and submission of the Complaint Initiation Form which, can be downloaded from the EAAB website

November 30, -0001
Communication to all affected exam candidates who could not write the exam on the 17th and 30th November 2022 and wish to write on 09 February 2023.

'ONE LEARNER - ONE PROPERTY PRACTITIONER' Youth Programme Principal Pledge Form