The uploading of non-verifiable Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points to the EAAB database

The uploading of non-verifiable Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points to the EAAB database

The EAAB wishes to inform CPD participants that they are themselves required to upload all non-verifiable CPD points which they have honestly earned to the EAAB database.

To upload such accrued non-verifiable CPD points participants are requested to:

  • log on to the “MyCPD” portal of the EAAB website [];
  • navigate to the “CPD points” menu;
  • carefully ensure that the non-verifiable CPD points in question are properly uploaded for the correct calendar year (presently either for the 2015 or for the 2016 calendar years respectively); then
  • click on the “Capture Points” icon which will take participants to the correct page to enable them to upload the non-verifiable CPD points in question.

The uploading of non-verifiable CPD points accrued to a participant must accord with the Personal Development Plan submitted to the EAAB by that participant

It is important for participants, when uploading non-verifiable CPD points, to ensure that the capture of those non-verifiable CPD points accords strictly with the undertakings provided by the participant in the Personal Development Plan (PDP) for the calendar year in question and which was submitted to the EAAB. Failure to do so will result in the participant concerned not being able to upload the proposed non-verifiable CPD points. 

Tick the relevant “achieved” box(es)

Participants are, finally, required electronically to tick the relevant “achieved” box(es) on the “Capture Points” page once they believe that they have validly accrued the relevant non-verifiable CPD points. They should, in so doing, also select the correct number of non-verifiable CPD points to be allocated to them for the category in question from the far right corner of the menu.

Issued by:       The Estate Agency Affairs Board

Date:               7 April 2016

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