Once again, the PPRA would like to apologise profusely to all affected candidates for the unfortunate experience wherein the Online Exam platform of our service provider malfunctioned causing a myriad of challenges for the candidates.

While the PPRA is addressing contractual and technical issues with the service provider, the Board has resolved that in order to cater for the immediate concerns of the affected candidates, the following must be done:


  1. Candidates who successfully completed the examination and passed will not be prejudiced and required to rewrite the exam. They will be awarded their respective designation and progress to the next status.
  1. Candidates who completed but failed the examination will be allowed an opportunity to rewrite the examination at no additional cost to them.
  1. Candidates who completed the examination but were unable to review their answers and have passed, will not be prejudiced and required to rewrite the exam. They will be awarded their respective designation and progress to the next status.
  1. Candidates who wrote and failed will be allowed to rewrite at no additional cost to them.
  1. Candidates who were not able to login and those who were kicked out and did not complete the exam, will be allowed to rewrite the exam at no additional cost to them and will not be financially prejudiced as they will not be required to pay or be penalised.
  1. Online exam services are suspended and the PPRA will rollout physical or venue-based exams nationally on 30 November 2022. Details of the venues will be communicated by no later than 28 November 2022.
  1. Marking in relation to the exam written on 17November 2022 be  completed and results be made available on or before 28 November 2022.


Best regards,

The Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority


'ONE LEARNER - ONE PROPERTY PRACTITIONER' Youth Programme Principal Pledge Form