Following some ICT challenges experienced by many prospective PDE Candidates who attempted to enrol or register for the upcoming PDE scheduled for 29 February 2024, the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (“the PPRA”) wishes to announce that prospective PDE candidates are provided a further extended period to finalise their enrolment/registration via the PPRA Portal by no later than 12h30 on Friday, 09 February 2024. This extension also includes payment of the required fees by no later than 16h30 on Wednesday, 07 February 2024, to allow time for the matching of the received online enrolment with payment made and issuance of Exam Seat Numbers. PDE candidates are requested to make payment by strictly using their individual 7-digit Ref number (without adding any number or alphabet to it) to allow timely allocation of payments and generation of seat numbers.

PDE Candidates are reminded to view Exam seat Numbers via the portal by logging into their respective profiles. Seat Numbers are allocated by the system and communicated to PDE candidates and also populated on the candidate’s profile before the date of exam. There is no need to send the PPRA proof of payment if enrolled on the portal and used the correct 7-digit reference number when making a payment.

All exam candidates are reminded that the exam will be conducted strictly on the Online platform and all successfully enrolled/registered exam candidates must attend the webinars and practice exam sessions that the PPRA and Rekindle Learning/UNISA will be communicating in due course to avoid system glitches and set up delays. More info on the forthcoming exam can be accessed by clicking the link below:

All queries must be logged via the portal and not via emails to expedite a quick resolution of such queries.

Once again, the PPRA wishes to thank all our Stakeholders for their patience, and we profusely regret the inconvenience that has been caused. 

Issued by:

Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority

Education, CPD and Professionalisation Department

Date: 29 January 2024


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