The PPRA is aware that some of the property practitioners could not register for 18 May 2023 professional designation examination (PDE) due to several reasons, main reason being that some of the property practitioners are waiting for final outcomes on their qualifications as they were still to be externally moderated by the Sector Education and Training Authority, i.e., the Services SETA. It is envisaged that all external moderations will be concluded by latest end of May 2023.

The PPRA is also aware that some of the property practitioners are still awaiting previous exam results whilst some property practitioners were unable to enrol for the 18 May exam. Having considered all these factors, the PPRA has decided to conduct the very last exam prior to the 30 June 2023 deadline, to give everyone an opportunity to write the exam and not face the disqualification.  The examination date is confirmed as the 20th of June 2023 and the exam registration is envisaged to be open from 19th May 2023 (the notice pertaining to the exam will be communicated widely on the 19th May 2023).

It is also emphasised that after the 20th of June exam, there will not be any other exam aimed at accommodating those who failed to meet 30 June 2023 deadline, therefore all prospective exam candidates are encouraged to study well in advance, using the PPRA study material for the exam level they will be writing, to write and pass the exam.  The PPRA PDE study material can be obtained by sending a Courier to the PPRA for collection. Couriers must be provided a study guide order form and proof of payment. This is a safer and expeditious option to ensure that the study material is obtained on time.

We thank you for your understanding and wishing all examination candidates writing the exam on the 18th of May 2023 well.

Issued by the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority

Date: 16 May 2023


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