This serves to notify all affected property practitioners who received disqualification notices of the following important steps:
1. Upon receipt of the notice, affected property practitioners must immediately and/or within sixty (60) days of the receipt of disqualification notice, submit an application requesting an extension of six (6) months to rectify and be fully compliant.
2. The application must be made on the PPRA pre-approved affidavit format relevant to the disqualification notice received by the property practitioner. The pre-approved affidavit format can be accessed on the link:
3. An affidavit must be accompanied by a signed letter of the property practitioner who intends to ensure full compliance within the extended six (6) months period together with proof of progress towards the completion of and/or proof of registration towards the completion of the required NQF qualification or the relevant professional designation examination (PDE), whichever is applicable. Where non-compliance relates to PDE , proof of PDE registration and payment to sit for the PDE must be furnished to the PPRA.
4. Once all the relevant documents as per the foregoing steps have been received, the PPRA will assess them and communicate the outcome of the assessment which will be either the confirmation of the six (6) months extension within which the property practitioner has to meet the education and training requirements or reasons the application was declined.
5. The block placed against the property practitioner’s profile will be lifted for all property practitioners whose applications have been approved and they have complied with the applicable education and training requirements on or before the expiry of the extended six (6) months deadline. The block will be retained for property practitioners whose applications have not been approved.
6. All property practitioners who fail to comply within the extended period of six (6) months and/or until their current FFCs expire, will not be issued with an FFC at their current practicing status in terms of s50 (b) (ii), until such time that they have fully complied with the prescribed education and training requirements for the respective sub-sector in terms of Regulation 33 for their current relevant status. These property practitioners will be issued with the FFC as candidate property practitioners should they wish to rejoin the property sector. Additionally, these property practitioners will be required to pay any penalty which may be applicable in terms of the PPA, in order to be issued with an FFC. This penalty will be published in the PPRA’s schedule of fees.
7. Similarly, all property practitioners who fail to apply and submit the required affidavit with supporting documents within the sixty (60) days of being notified of the disqualification and remain disqualified at the time of expiry of the current FFC, they will not be issued with FFCs at their current practicing status in terms of s50 (b) (ii), until such time that they have fully complied with the applicable education and training requirements for the respective sub-sector in terms of Regulation 33. These property practitioners will be issued with the FFC as candidate property practitioners should they wish to be reinstated into the property sector. Additionally, these property practitioners will be required to pay any penalty which may be applicable in terms of the PPA, in order to be issued with an FFC. This penalty will be published in the PPRA’s schedule of fees.
8. All property practitioners who have received disqualification notice/s and believed that they should not have received such notice/s must submit proof/s of compliance relating to the disqualification notice/s received to
Issued by the PPRA
Education, Professionalisation and CPD Department
Date: 01 August 2023
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