(CPD) IMPORTANT UPDATE - It is mandatory for full status estate agents to register for CPD purposes


It is mandatory for full status estate agents to register for CPD purposes

The EAAB wishes to remind registered estate agents that it is mandatory to register for participation in the 2016 CPD programme. Estate agents who either participated, or were required to participate, in the 2015 CPD programme, as well as former intern estate agents who obtained full status during the course of 2015, are requested, therefore, to make every effort to register on-line for CPD purposes as soon as possible but by no later than 31 March 2016 so as to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Standard of Training of Estate Agents Regulations, 2008.

Such persons should, accordingly, immediately access the “MyCPD” portal on the EAAB website (at www.eaab.org.za) for registration purposes. The first step in the CPD registration process is the completion of the Personal Development Plan (“PDP”) for 2016. Once the PDP has been completed to the satisfaction of the participant it must be sent to the EAAB by pressing the “submit” button. After the PDP has been submitted to the EAAB the participant will receive an acknowledgement e-mail in which details of the bank account into which the annual CPD payment (R2 500 for principal estate agents and R2 000 for non-principal estate agents) must be made.

For ease of reference such details are as follows:

Account Name: Estate Agency Affairs Board
Bank: ABSA
Account Number: 405 203 3310
Branch Code: 632005
Reference: The seven digit personal reference number allocated each individual estate agent

Immediately the correct payment has been received by the EAAB and, also, correctly allocated to the participant concerned, that person will receive access to the CPD diary on the “MyCPD” portal so as either to make an on-line reservation to attend contact CPD interventions and/or to enrol for CPD e-learning courses, in accordance with the preferences that were indicated on the completed PDP, to acquire the necessary fifteen verifiable CPD points for 2016.

Participants, of course, have the choice of attending contact sessions or accessing the EAAB’s e-learning platform or utilising a mixture of both of these methods to accrue necessary fifteen verifiable CPD points for 2016.

It is essential that the correct seven digit personal reference number is used as reference when making payment. Using an incorrect reference number not only makes it extremely difficult for the EAAB to correctly allocate payments received but it will also result in delaying the processing of payments received. Participants who are uncertain of their correct seven digit personal reference number are requested rather to contact the EAAB to ensure that they use the correct reference when making payment.

Having regard to the difficulties that some participants are apparently still experiencing in registering for CPD purposes, all qualifying estate agents have been granted an extension until 31 March 2016 within which both to complete their PDPs and to make payment to the EAAB of the applicable CPD fee for 2016. Qualifying estate agents are urged to take full advantage of this opportunity to ensure CPD compliance in 2016 having regard to the fact that the CPD programme, both contact sessions as well as on-line e-learning, commences on 1 April 2016.

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