The PPRA is pleased to announce that the PDE scheduled to take place on the 13th of February 2025 is now open for registration on the PPRA portal – www.theppra.org.za.
- Procedures for PDE Registration - The exam registration process is strictly completed on MyPPRA portal and will remain open until 31st of January 2025, no later. This includes registration on the portal and payment which must be completed on or before this cut-off date.
- Eligibility Criteria to write PDE - Persons who wish to write must be in possession of a valid FFC for the current year to be allowed to enrol/register for PDE relevant to their practicing status. In addition, the following is applicable:
- Exam Candidates who are issued an FFC as non-principal and candidate property practitioners must have completed or been granted an equivalency exemption from completing the required NQF 4 Real Estate qualification to be eligible to register for PDE 4. The NQF 4 must have been sent to the PPRA and already updated on the PPRA system (reflecting “Tick and Verified” on the portal) for the exam registration to be completed successfully on MyPPRA portal. Therefore, if the copy of the NQF 4 qualification is not yet received by the PPRA, such a copy which must also be CERTIFIED must be sent to upgrades@theppra.org.za for PPRA to update the system accordingly. Candidate property practitioners must have ALSO completed the compulsory 12-month internship period and submitted compliant logbook and associated portfolios of evidence which must have ALREADY been approved by the PPRA (reflecting “Tick and Verified” on the portal) to be eligible to register to write PDE 4. All candidate property practitioner whose internship period and have also completed their must submit compliant and signed-off letter confirming successful completion of internship period and logbook to logbooks@theppra.org.za for approval. The letter template to complete for submission is available on the link: https://theppra.org.za/article/communication_on_the_letter_to_be_submitted_by_candidate_property_practitioners_confirming_completion_of_logbooks_and_practical_training_with_effect_from_1_july_2024
- Exam Candidates who are issued an FFC as principal property practitioners must have completed or been granted an equivalency exemption from completing the required NQF 5 Real Estate qualification to be eligible to register for PDE 5. The NQF 5 must have been sent to the PPRA and already updated on the PPRA system (reflecting “Tick and Verified” on the portal) for the registration of the portal to be completed successfully. PDE 4 must also be reflecting “Tick and Verified” on the portal. If the above aren’t reflecting as such, the principal property practitioner must submit the NQF 5 qualification and a request for PDE 4 updating to upgrades@theppra.org.za the PPRA to update the system in order to be able to register and write PDE 5 on the portal.
- Exam Candidates who aspire to become principal property practitioners and are currently issued with an FFC as non-principal property practitioners, and they have also completed or were granted an equivalency exemption from completing NQF 4 & 5 qualifications are eligible to and may proceed to enrol for PDE 5 if they have also passed or were exempted from PDE 4. Both the NQF 4 & 5 qualifications and the PDE 4 must be reflecting “Tick and Verified” on the portal to be able to proceed enrol for PDE 5. Those still waiting for PDE 4 results for the exam written in November 2024 will unfortunately not be able to enrol for the forthcoming PDE 5 until such time that these results are updated on the portal.
- VERY IMPORTANT is that the PPRA Venue or physical Address displayed or built-in on MyPPRA portal when registering/enrolling for PDE is built-in for exam registration purposes only and this DOES NOT SUGGEST THAT THERE WILL BE ANY VENUE-BASED EXAM at any province. PDE is strictly now a take-home exam and is not conducted at any designated venue or via any system-based platform. No oral exam is allowed, all candidates are required to take advantage of the take home exam.
- Personal information update on MyPPRA portal - It is a legislative duty placed on all property practitioners in terms of the provisions of the PPA to advise the PPRA when their personal details change. All property practitioners and prospective exam candidates are therefore required to update their emails and mailing addresses by accessing MyPPRA Portal accordingly to ensure that the PPRA is aided to communicate the pertinent exam and general information in time and as required. For instance, a take-home exam implies that the PPRA will be required to email exam question papers to exam candidates on the date of the exam and therefore if the email address on the system is not current or is not valid, it becomes impossible for the PPRA to communicate with registered exam candidates. Property practitioners are advised that in the event that MyPPRA portal doesn’t require them to update the email address when they visit MyPPRA portal for exam registration of for any transaction, they should immediately log a query on MyPPRA Portal Quey Management System (link: https://www.theppra.org.za/myffc/query_logging) with their new personal details and most importantly their email addresses included in their request for an update of email address (this is in alignment with the provisions of POPIA). Exam candidates are specifically requested to provide personal email addresses and not that of the firm as personal email addresses will be utilised, in communicating directly with the candidates, pre-and post the examination (e.g. in terms of exam results and issuing of certificates, etc). The PPRA will not be held liable for exam candidate’s failure to update their email address.
- Exam fee payment and exam seat numbers - Exam candidates are advised to access the PPRA website www.theppra.org.za or the link https://theppra.org.za/schedule_of_fees_2023_2024_effective_01_april_2023 to obtain applicable fees payable for the PDE they are registering for as well as banking details for making payment before the exam closing date. All exam candidates are required to use their seven-digit reference numbers as payment (without adding any space or alphabet or number on the ref number). This correct payment process facilitates a speedy allocation of payments made and issuance of exam seat numbers. If unsure of the seven-digit reference number, our Call Centre number 087 285 3222 or email eab@theppra.org.za can be contacted in order to be provided with the correct details. It is NOT a required that exam candidates send the PPRA proof of payment for exam fees unless they were requested by the PPRA to do so. This is because if payment was properly made using the seven-digit reference number, the PPRA will be able to access and process all received payments on the bank statement and allocate an exam seat number accordingly. All exam candidates are advised to access their allocated seat numbers by logging on MyPPRA portal and checking against their profile.
- PDE Study material - Exam candidates are advised to acquire PPRA study guides (relevant to their PDE level) prior to registering for the exam and/or in order to thoroughly prepare for the exam. PDE study guides requests/orders including follow up queries for ordered study guides must STRICTLY be sent to studyguides@theppra.org.za (not any other email address) for speedy assistance or resolution.
- The nature of the 13 February 2025 - PDE to be written on the 13th of February 2025 will be a take-home exam AND exam papers (PDE4 and PDE5) will be accessible via the Homepage of the PPRA Website (www.theppra.org.za) at 08h00 on Thursday, 13th of February 2025 (NO PAPERS WILL BE EMAILED TO EXAM CANDIDATES). Exam papers will be on MS Word format and exam candidate must answer ALL the questions by typing the answers into the GREY SHADED space provided on the document/exam paper they are writing. Exam candidates are warned that ONLY answers that are completed on the exam paper, in the GREY SHADED spaces will be considered valid and marked. The completed Exam Paper must be emailed by attaching the completed MS Word document to an email and sending it to examsupport@theppra.org.za in time or by no later than the time stipulated on the question paper or exam rules or via the follow up communication that will be published on the PPRA website a few days before the actual exam date.
- Exam candidates are requested or warned not to copy or include any other individual email address when submitting their answers to the PPRA. This is an exam script and therefore confidentiality and security of your answers is important to PPRA. Completed documents sent to or copying any other email address and/or sent after the cut-off time will not be marked.
- Exam postponements - Exam candidates whose postponements were communicated and
APPROVED by the PPRA must also follow normal exam registration procedures by registering again on MyPPRA portal. The previous payment will be linked to the new exam registration completed on the portal except where top-up payment and such top-up payment must be made using the seven-digit reference number for PPRA to pick up the additional payment and allocate to the new exam registration. Failing to top-up when required will render the exam candidate not registered for the exam. Exam candidates are reminded of the POSTPONEMENT PROCEDURES which are accessible through the link below: https://theppra.org.za/article/notice_to_stakeholders_on_examination_postponement_procedures. All postponement requests must be made in writing and accompanied by supporting documents and sent to examsupport@theppra.org.za in order for such requests to be processed further to avoid disappointment.
- Exam results - Exam results will be communicated and made available on MyPPRA portal within 6-8 weeks after the exam date. Exam candidates are required to access the portal in order to view their exam results. Appeals against exam results and review of exam scripts - Where required, appeals must be lodged within 10 - 14 days of receipt of results or the appeal will not be entertained. Appeal notices/covering letters together with proof of payment of the required appeal/review of script fee must be sent to resultsappeals@theppra.org.za within the stipulated timelines in order for the appeal to be entertained.
- ABSENT STATUS on the Exam Candidate’s MyPPRA profile after writing the exam or during the period whilst waiting for exam results - All exam candidates are advised that their portal profile will carry an ABSENT status immediately after the date of exam. This status will remain on the profile of the candidate until results have been updated. Therefore, candidates need not panic or query this when this status reflects on their profile after the exam has been written.
- General tips for Exam Candidates: Exam candidates are advised of the following tips:
- Please pay attention to detail and ensure that you download the right exam paper on the date of the exam. Check and double check to avoid writing the wrong paper. No credit will be allowed if the wrong paper was written.
- Ensure that you complete your details on the Exam Paper and also insert your 7-digit reference number in the subject title of the email when submitting your exam.
- The Take Home Exam is for the candidate to demonstrate not just the memorization of facts or ideas, but also the ability to use critical thinking in applying or explaining the material. Do not underestimate the open book exam format.
- Although not specifically required, candidates are encouraged to gather and have full access to whatever online resources as well as the PDE Study Guide and own notes whilst completing the Exam.
- The PPRA envisages utilizing an Originality/Similarity Checking service to prevent plagiarism and encourage academic integrity. Any candidate found to have copied and or colluded with and or plagiarized another exam candidate will fail the exam and be subject to disciplinary action by the PPRA.
- One (1) mark is awarded for each fact/correct answer. Use the mark allocation as a guide as to the length of and extensiveness of your answer(s).
Issued by:
Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority Education, CPD and Professionalisation Department
Date: 06 January 2025
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